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- The Light in the Forest
- by Sarah Stegall
- munchkyn@netcom.com
- "Darkness Falls", the episode of "The X-Files" re-run on
- Friday night, is not one of the show's more popular episodes:
- it fell into about the middle third of the end-of-season poll
- of X-Philes' preferences. However, it has several points to
- recommend it, and remains one of my favorites for various
- reasons.
- The best characters in this episode were non-human: the
- magnificent woods of British Columbia and the tiny insects
- responsible for the deaths of the loggers. The sequences in
- the woods looked rainy and cold and isolated, bringing the
- brooding silence of the woods home to us in our urban dens.
- The 'bugs' were a fine hook into Freudian fears shared by most
- of us--oo, ick, spiders!--as good as the toilet sequence in
- "Tooms". And the shocking conclusion, which nearly kills our
- heroes, was a refreshing change which underscored the constant
- danger Mulder and Scully place themselves in. I must cite
- both the excellent cinematography and the outstanding score
- for contributing to the lonely, apprehensive feeling of this
- episode; Mark Snow's music just continues to delight and
- chill.
- In "Darkness Falls" Mulder and Scully are essentially
- spectators. I don't particularly mind this: "X-Files" is in
- many ways an anthology series, telling a complete tale every
- week, without ongoing story lines to ease the burden on the
- writers. So there will inevitably be episodes of "The X-
- Files" with less tension, less involvement of Mulder and
- Scully, less immediacy. The question now becomes: how well
- did the secondary characters succeed in carrying the story?
- I would say that, in the case of "Darkness Falls", their
- performance was average. Ranger Larry Moore (Jason Beghe)
- turned in an excellent, understated performance. His forest
- ranger was a solid, fair-minded but entirely human character
- with grit and resourcefulness. But the characters of Doug
- Spinney (Titus Welliver) and Steve Humphreys (Tom O'Rourke)
- are flat and one-dimensional. Both Humphreys and Spinney are
- less than full-fledged characters, functioning instead as
- propagandists for one extremist view or the other. Humphreys'
- declaration that environmentalists "value trees more than
- human life" is outrageous; Mulder lets him get away with this,
- so it stands in the viewer's mind. Spinney, the
- environmentalist, callously dismisses the loggers' deaths as
- unimportant next to the cutting of the fir tree--an equally
- outrageous piece of propaganda.
- The unchallenged use of the terms "eco-terrorist" and
- "monkey-wrencher" by every character in the show, implying
- that these are widely used, acceptable descriptions of
- environmentalists, is inflammatory. In fact, they are terms
- used by the timber industry and its allies to defame those who
- oppose their agenda. While I don't want to start a political
- argument, and I realize Chris Carter is not making a
- documentary, to permit this appellation to go undisputed is to
- allow only one side in a political fight to set the terms of
- the discussion. Carter is playing with fire if he begins to
- incorporate this kind of political rhetoric into "The X-
- Files".
- One minor feature of "Darkness Falls" is significant: I
- believe it was the first episode to show Mulder making a
- tactical mistake. Although his actions in permitting Spinney
- to return to his companions with the last of the gasoline
- turns out to be a life-saving decision, he could not have
- known that in advance when he acted unilaterally. This kind
- of lone-ranger behavior is precisely why large organizations
- such as the FBI are suspicious of the Fox Mulders of the
- world. More often than not, this kind of risk-taking with
- other people's lives turns out tragically. It was great to
- have Mulder realize this and to have Scully call him on it. I
- only wish Mulder had been a little humbler about it. He shows
- a certain amount of arrogance in refusing to acknowledge the
- justice of her accusation of high-handedness.
- When Carter writes his own stories, like this one, he
- feels free to show us more details of Scully and Mulder's
- relationship, which makes this show so interesting. We see
- the two playing into one another's strengths, supporting one
- another. While there was more of the much-ballyhooed
- understated sexual tension than we have seen in the second
- season, their professional fellowship took precedence and
- achieved real depth. I suppose there's nothing like being
- cocooned together to cement one's relationship with one's
- partner.
- There were major plot holes in "Darkness Falls", which
- must reduce its effectiveness: for example, if Scully and
- Mulder needed a light to fend off the bugs, why didn't they
- just build a fire? It's not like they were short of firewood.
- But the concept of the ancient bugs sleeping in the heart of
- the tree for a thousand centuries catches the imagination
- wonderfully. Again we are shown the inventiveness at the
- heart of this show's appeal. If not always perfectly
- executed, we must applaud the effort.
- I give this one two sunflower seeds out of five.